
Rachio - Select Your PWS


First, please ensure your desired PWS is connected to the PWSweather network. You can find details on how to accomplish this in our FAQs.

Generation 1 and 2 controllers by Rachio offer the ability to select on-premise or official weather stations to power the watering logic of their smart irrigation controller. For Rachio owners with a Rachio 3 device or any device with Weather Intelligence Plus included, a single PWS station should not be selected, but you should continue transmitting data on the PWSweather network to provide the most accurate readings on your device.

Simply follow these steps to start using your PWS hardware with Rachio:

  1. Open the Rachio App on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Select the "More" menu in the bottom footer of the application.
  3. Tap "Controller Settings" to arrive at a screen that appears like the one to the left.
  4. Then, click on Weather Intelligence to get to your controller's weather settings.
  5. Click “Weather Station” under “Weather Data Source” to update to your station of choice.

Selecting Your Station

From this point, you can easily select your station or a nearby one. Simply click "Done" to confirm your change and lock in your Rachio controller's new weather data source!

Interested in other apps you can power with your PWS? Check out the PWSweather Integrations Center regularly for updates.

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